HS FB FAN UPDATE: Friday, Oct. 23 @ OXFORD: Masks required upon entry and when you are unable to social distance. No fan limitations. You are welcome to bring lawn chairs to aid in social distancing. Limited concession stand available.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
JH volleyball girls went 3-0 this afternoon too! Congrats to those girls as well!
over 4 years ago, Linda Drake
A 60-0 win for the JH football team Thursday, several cross county runners placing at the league meet, a 54-0 win for the high school football team last night and the high school volleyball team going 3-0 today, Chase County athletes are looking good! Proud of our Bulldogs!
over 4 years ago, Linda Drake
JH VOLLEYBALL FAN UPDATE: League on Saturday, Oct. 17 @ NHHS @ 3:00 pm: CHANGE in LOCATION AND TIME! The junior high team will be playing at NHHS at 3:00 pm. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED IN UNTIL 2:30. Spectators are limited to the 4 people who are listed on the spectator list. Masks and social distancing are required.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS FOOTBALL FAN UPDATE: Friday, Oct. 16 @ HOME vs. Udall: Work has continued on the track. As a result, we CANNOT have chairs on the track tonight. You are encouraged to bring chairs and sit on the south hill or sit around the OUTSIDE of the track. You can walk on the track, but we need to keep it as clean as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS VOLLEYBALL FAN UPDATE: League Tournament Play @ CENTRAL HEIGHTS: This is a location change. Only 2 fans per athlete will be allowed. Names will be submitted to Central Heights. Masks are required. At this time, they are planning to have a concession stand, but that is subject to change. Action will be live streamed. Match 1 and 3 will be on YouTube at this link: https://youtu.be/7rUIIThwjko Match 2 will be on Facebook at this link: https://www.facebook.com/CentralHeightsUsd288
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
JH Volleyball FAN UPDATE: Thursday, Oct. 15 @ Osage City: No limit on the number of spectators. Masks and social distancing required. Children must be seated with family.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
JH FOOTBALL FAN UPDATE: Thursday, Oct. 15 @ NHHS in ALLEN: Limited to two fans/athlete. Children required to be seated with parent. Masks and social distancing required. LOCATION CHANGE: The game will NOT be at Americus. It is at NHHS in ALLEN.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
Cross Country Fan Update: Thursday, October 15 @ MISSION VALLEY: No limit on spectators. Social distancing and masks required.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
FREE SCHOOL MEALS - The waiver has been extended. USD 284 students can receive a free breakfast and lunch through the end of the school year.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
USD 284 has an immediate opening for a junior high assistant boys basketball coach for 2020-21 season. If interested, please contact Athletic Director Alex Weiss at weissa@usd284.org.
over 4 years ago, Linda Drake
JV game tonight has been canceled per Madison's request!
over 4 years ago, Brent Monihen
All fall sports and individual picture proofs have been handed out to all students in grades 7-12. Orders must be returned by Oct. 20. Retakes are scheduled for Oct. 21. Please contact Linda Drake at drakel@usd284.org, if you want to schedule retakes for your son or daughter.
over 4 years ago, Linda Drake
If you are going to the junior high football game, please sit your lawn chairs to the OUTSIDE of the track. Part of the track coating has been sprayed. It is okay to walk on, but we need to keep chairs and other objects off it so it is not dented or scraped. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS FB FAN UPDATE: Friday, October 9 @ MADISON: Masks and temperature checks upon entry. Social distancing is encouraged.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
JH VB/FB Fan Update: Thursday, Oct. 8 HERE with Mission Valley: VB - Limited to five fans/athlete. You must have a ticket to enter but you will still need to pay admissions. Masks and social distancing required. FB - Masks and social distancing required.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
7-12 Cross Country Fan Update: Thursday, Oct. 8 @ Osage City: Masks and social distancing required.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS VB Fan Update: Tuesday, Oct. 6 @ WEST FRANKLIN: No fans allowed. The game will be live streamed. The court with V-JV-V will be on their main page "West Franklin MS/HS Falcons". The court with JV-C-C will be on their page "West Franklin MS/HS Falcons Activity Stream".
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS JV Football Fan Update: Monday, Oct. 5 @ Flinthills: No restrictions.
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
Please check out the health-related reminders and illness flow chart at the following link: http://chasecountyusd284ks.apptegy.us/o/usd-284/browse/171207
over 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead