KSHSAA rules have changed regarding spectators. We must follow and respect away school's policies so that our athletes can continue to play. Feb. 2 - LeRoy - 2 parents allowed - (parent list has been submitted) Feb. 5 -Hartford - 2 parents allowed - (parent list has been submitted) Feb. 9 - MDCV - tickets will be issued for this game. Feb. Home games - Home fans will have 4 tickets per player/cheer/dance family to be used as you wish.
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Basketball FAN UPDATE: Tuesday, Feb. 2 @ LeRoy (Southern Coffey County) 5:00 pm (TIME CHANGE): Only 2 parents(guardians) allowed to attend the game. Masks are required. Varsity Girls - 5:00 pm Varsity Boys - following varsity girls There will be NO JV games. Streaming Info: Try the following link. We have not received information at this time on streaming. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZFZSaf8IHKqXCnKeiKhGDQ
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Basketball FAN UPDATE: Friday, Jan. 29 Home game vs. Maranatha Christian: 4:30 pm. Only 2 parents(guardians)/participant family will be allowed. Masks are required. JV Boys (1/2 game only) Varsity Boys Streaming Info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyKUHNOiIMlZxvHVYbXrb0A
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Wrestling FAN UPDATE: Post-season locations: Girls District: Feb. 5 @ 4 pm in Council Grove Boys District: Feb. 6 @ noon in Douglass Boys Regional: Feb. 12 @ 3 pm in Eureka Girls Regional: Feb. 13 @ noon in Towanda - Circle High School Girls Substate: Feb. 19 @ 3 pm in Ellis Boys Substate: Feb. 20 @ noon in Marion
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Basketball FAN UPDATE: Tuesday, January 26 HERE vs. Peabody 5:00 pm (CALENDAR CHANGE): 2 parents(guardians)/participant family. Masks must be worn at all times according to KSHSAA rules. NORTH GYM 5:00 - JV Boys (1/2 only) 6:00 - Varsity Boys Streaming info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyKUHNOiIMlZxvHVYbXrb0A
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
Please check Facebook Live on Chase County USD 284 Page
almost 4 years ago, Brent Monihen
New Stream is up and working on Chase County North Gym YouTube.
almost 4 years ago, Brent Monihen
We are working on basketball stream. We will update when it’s up.
almost 4 years ago, Brent Monihen
Wrestling Tonight Mat 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6hkOprascE Mat 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZwPuvU3pwo Live stream info for tonight. This is a one parent even. Saturday will also be a one parent event. Wrestling begins at 5:00 tonight.
almost 4 years ago, Brent Monihen
HS Wrestling Streaming info for Saturday, Jan 23 @ Eureka: Mat-1 Red @ High School (Weight Classes 106, 120, 132, 145, 160) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rImatujmn3s Mat-2 Blue @ High School (Weight Classes 113, 126, 138, 152) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MekMAayHpZc Mat-3 White @ Marshall Elementary (Weight Classes 170, 195, 285, 101G, 109G, 126G) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7knVxhhD_TI Mat-4 Red @ Marshall Elementary (Weight Classes 182, 220, 115G, 120G, 132G, 143G/155G, 170G) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RngjTrql4oI
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Girls Wrestling Fan Update: The girls wrestling at Council Grove on Saturday, Jan. 23 has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
Douglass Wrestling will now be on Chase County South Gym. They have 3 mats so we are trying to show as many as possible.
almost 4 years ago, Brent Monihen
HS Boys Basketball FAN UPDATE: The boys basketball game for Saturday, Jan, 23 will be HERE, but the time has changed to 4:00 pm. Again the time has changed. Streaming info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyKUHNOiIMlZxvHVYbXrb0A
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Boys Basketball FAN UPDATE: The boys basketball team will not play Friday. Their next tournament game is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 23 HERE @ 6 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
Boys Semi-final updated bracket
Letter to the Parents containing COVID 19 updates/reminders
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
Letter to Parents COVID reminders/updates
HS Boys Basketball FAN UPDATE: Tuesday, Jan. 19 @ OSAGE CITY vs. Mission Valley 6:00 pm: 2 parents(guardians)/participant family are allowed in. Social distancing and masks are required. Live Streaming: NFHS Network: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/osage-city-high-school-osage-city-ks LIVE STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/c/USD420Schools PROGRAM: https://www.usd420.org/home/programs
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Girls Basketball FAN UPDATE: Monday, Jan. 18 @ OSAGE CITY vs. Lyndon 6 pm: 2 parents(guardians)/participant family are allowed in. Social distancing and masks are required. Live Streaming: NFHS Network: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/osage-city-high-school-osage-city-ks LIVE STREAM: https://www.youtube.com/c/USD420Schools PROGRAM: https://www.usd420.org/home/programs
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
Brackets for the Flint Hills Shoot Out have been released. Please note where these games will be played due to changes because of COVID-19. This tournament will NOT be played in Emporia.
almost 4 years ago, Linda Drake
FHSO Boys Bracket
FHSO Girls Bracket
The high school basketball game for tonight is cancelled. Mission Valley has dismissed school early due to white out conditions.
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead
HS Basketball FAN UPDATE: Friday, January 15 @ Mission Valley: Limited concessions. 2 parents or guardians/participant family and must be on the pass list. Masks must be worn at all times. North (Main) Gym: 4:30 JV Girls (2 quarters), 6:00 Varsity Girls, 7:30 Varsity Boys. Streaming info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpFy2KS3S2XVOnY9fYnYJgQ South (Aux) Gym: 5:00 JV Boys (immediately following JV Girls) Streaming info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPeEYpehVkJ6_wszDghvzsg
almost 4 years ago, Glenna Grinstead