Having to answer questions one after another trying to answer them as fast as you can is very difficult, but this small group of eight people love it.
“Scholar’s Bowl is a competition where teams compete in trivia topics,” sophomore Connor Jahnke said.
Jahnke joined Scholars Bowl his freshman year. In Scholars Bowl there are many different questions and in various categories going from math, science, foreign languages, to language and fine art. His least favorite category is math questions. He didn’t just join to win against the other teams, he joined to compete.
“My favorite category to answer is science questions, as they pertain to what I enjoy doing,” Jahnke said.
Senior Paden Jahnke, has been in Scholars bowl for six years, and he believes that he is pretty good at it. His favorite category is history but he also loves science, and his least favorite category is math.
“Sometimes the questions are as easy as, ‘Who invented the cotton gin’, but sometimes it’s super specific like, ‘In the Congress of Vienna, what nation annexed several islands off the coast of modern day Greece?’,” Paden said.
“The questions are moderately difficult with some mixed in that deviate from that,” Connor said.
Senior Mayah Dorsey joined Scholars Bowl four years ago. Her favorite thing about being in Scholars Bowl is being a part of the team and being with her friends.
“My friends make Scholars Bowl fun. We cheer each other on and congratulate each other,” Dorsey said.