Meetings this week
Friday: NHS new inductees (2020 and 2021) and JH KAY meeting
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Friday: Softball and baseball will be released at 3:10 p.m.
New inductees for National Honor Society (2020 and 2021) please meet in the auditorium today at the start of seminar for a short meeting with Mrs. Hazelton and Mrs. Eidman.
JH KAY will meet today in the auditorium instead of Monday. This is a change due to the rescheduled junior high track meet.
Student Council elections will be held on May 3 through Google Forms voting. All students in grades 7-12 will be allowed to vote. Officers must be full-time students, and served at least one year in Student Council. Each candidate, President, Secretary and Treasurer, must submit a petition signed by fifteen (15) high school students and two (2) teachers. President of Student Council may not hold the office of President in any of the following organizations: FFA, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), National Honor Society (NHS) and Kansas Association for Youth (KAY). In the race for President, the top vote-getter will be President and the second place finisher will become Vice President. If you are interested in running for President, Secretary or Treasurer, please pick up a petition from Mrs. Drake, which must be returned by April 30.
All classes should elect one girl and one boy to be their class representative on Student Council by May 10. All groups/organizations should elect one representative for their respective group by May 10 to serve on the council: KAY (HS AND JH), NHS, FFA, FBLA, Spanish Club, FCA, BPA, Quill and Scroll, Band, Cheer and Dance.
Students interested in running for offices in Spanish Club, Quill and Scroll, and BPA should sign up in Mrs. Drake’s room by Friday, April 30.
2021-22 dance team will meet during seminar on Thursday, April 29, and the 2020-21 team will meet during lunch that day for its recognition meeting.
Art Competition students and FFA competition students will have group photos taken on Friday, April 30, at 11:50. Eighth grade KidWind finalists will have a group photo taken at 12:25 that day as well.
Congratulations to Sophia Glanville who just received notification that she is the winner of a $200 gift card for her first place finish in the Kansas Turnpike Authority’s Sixth Annual Work Zone Awareness Week design contest!
Voices will meet Tuesday during seminar. Please plan accordingly.
HS athletes, Sunday afternoon is the booster club golf tournament. There is a sign up sheet for workers in Mr. Budke’s room. Athletes are expected to participate to support the booster club organization that supports our organization. Work time Sunday is from 12-4:30 p.m. If you have questions see Mr. Budke.
Seniors, please check your email and vote on junior helpers for graduation. We will be tallying up ballots at the end of the day today. Thank you, Mrs. Inlow and Ms. Larkin.
JH KAY board will be going to the CCES during seminar next Friday, April 30: Emma, Kinslea, Avery, Carys, Makayla, Reace, Madelyn, Bryson and Sophia. They may miss the first bit of the sixth hour.
JH dance will be this Saturday, April 24. It will be held at the Bazaar schoolhouse from 8-10 p.m.
Summer help needed: The Chase County Road and Bridge and Noxious Weed Departments will be accepting applications for summer help until May 7, 2021. Applicants must be 17 years of age with a valid Kansas Drivers License. Description of job duties will be discussed when applications are picked up at the Road and Bridge or Noxious Weed office in the basement of the courthouse. You may also call 620-273-6386 if you have any questions.
Camp Wood is looking to hire a summer mower for five days a week. Call Ryne Witt at 620-273-8641.
All music students - Our concert is Wednesday, May 5 at 7 p.m. Please make arrangements to wear black and white (black on the bottom and white on the top).
College Access Scholarship applications can be picked up in Mrs. Barrett’s office. If you are taking Butler or FHTC classes in the 2021-2022 school year, I would highly encourage applying for this scholarship. Application deadline is April 30, 2021.
2021 yearbooks are $60 until the end of the school year before the price goes up to $70.