Meetings this week
Wednesday: Lions Quest
Thursday: Group photos
Friday: No school!
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Friday: No school!
Group photos scheduled for Thursday are:
8:00 FCA
12:25 Forensics, HS Scholars Bowl, JH Quiz Bowl
12:30 HS Band, JH Band
12:35 Voices group
Students and staff, salad will not be an option for a meal the rest of the week. Thank you, the cooks.
Junior high Winter Sports Recognition Assembly will be Thursday at 2:45 p.m. in the auditorium.
Junior high KAY members, please meet in the south gym after school for the Walk-a-Thon.
HS KAY members working at Pioneer Bluffs on March 18 please report at 10 a.m. These people include: Jake Sollner, Kaleb Fetrow, Trint Rogers, Taylor Palenske, Brylee Potter, Grace Newland, Ashlee Williams, Emily Miser, Chayla Owen, Avia Banks, Lexi Monihen, Havyn Schroeder and James Bell. See Mrs. Cahoone if you need a ride to Pioneer Bluffs.
HS KAY, tomorrow is the last day to bring your healthcare worker items. The items you can include is gum, mints, Kleenex, wipes, crackers, chapstick, any kind of snacks, etc.
Tomorrow is the Cheer Awards and Pizza Party during lunch and seminar in Mrs. Koch’s room.
CCRC summer baseball and softball sign up forms will be handed out at the grade school. Forms can also be picked up at the District Office, high school office, or Mr. Albers. Forms are to be returned by March 25. Thank you, Mr. Albers.
Chase County Recreation Commission is taking applications for summer help including morning rec., concessions and umpiring. Applications can be picked up in the high school office or from Mr. Albers. Current 9-12 grade students are eligible. Applications need to be turned in no later than March 11. Thank you, Mr. Albers.