Meetings this week
Tuesday: There will be a prom committee meeting at 12:25 p.m. in the auditorium. There will be a very short freshman class meeting in the old gym.
Thursday: There will be a HS track meeting at 12:25 p.m. in the auditorium.
Friday: Group photos at 12:25 p.m. by Spike’s house.
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Tuesday: Dismiss JH wrestling at 1:15 p.m. and leave at 1:30 p.m. for the meet at Mission Valley.
Thursday: There will be a JH wrestling meet at Douglass.
Group photo times for Friday:
12:25 p.m. - Publications staff and journalism competition
12:30 p.m. - Quill and Scroll, IHT and NHS
12:35 p.m. - FFA, Class Officers (9-12)
Mrs. Remy’s seminar, please go to Mrs. Koch’s room for seminar and lunch today.
There will be pep band tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Voices, we will meet Wednesday and Friday morning at 7:40 a.m. If you can’t attend these, plan to meet Mrs. Remy after school Thursday and Friday.
CCRC summer baseball and softball sign up forms will be handed out at the grade school. Forms can also be picked up at the District Office, high school office or from Mr. Albers. Forms are to be returned by March 25. Thank you, Mr. Albers.
No vehicles are to park on the east side of the school until after 4:15 p.m.
Sub-state basketball first-round games will be at home. Girls will play Tuesday at 7 p.m. against Marion. Players, band, cheer and dance members need to pick up vouchers for tickets from Mr. Weiss.
Golf practice will begin right after school today in the west gym for non-basketball players.
Masquerade ball guest sign up sheet is on the office door.
If you ordered a corsage or boutonniere in November for the Winter Ball, please be sure to check your email and reply to Mrs. Koch regarding any changes. If you would like to order a corsage or boutonniere for the March 13 dance, please see Mrs. Koch. Any new orders need to be placed by noon Wednesday, March 3. Corsage and boutonniere sales for Prom will begin after Spring Break.
HS KAY members start bringing your healthcare items to school. Last day to bring items is March 12. This is a service point.
HS Forensics, I need to know today if you want to attend the all day virtual meet hosted by Washington County on March 13. I need to know by Wednesday if you want to do the after school Olpe meet on the 12, some are recorded and some are virtual.
JH KAY members, please remember to be getting pledges for our Walk-a-Thon on March 10 to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Chase County Recreation Commission is taking applications for summer help, morning rec., concessions and umpiring. Applications may be picked up in the high school mailroom or from Mr. Albers. Current 9-12 grade students are eligible. Applications need to be turned in no later than March 11. Thank you, Mr. Albers.