Meetings this week
Thursday: Quill and Scroll meeting at 12:25 p.m. in the south gym.
Friday: No school for students!
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Thursday: High school girls basketball game at Flint Hills. Dismiss players at 2:15 p.m. and leave at 2:30 p.m. Junior varsity will start at 5 p.m. with varsity following.
Friday: No school for students!
NHS applications are due today by 4 p.m. If needed, Mrs. Eidman or Mrs. Hazelton can print off your essay.
Voices members, if you are interested in being apart of Voices for a spring concert and graduation, please contact Mrs. Remy today by 3:35 p.m.
Sub-state basketball first-round games will be at home next week. Boys will play Monday at 7 p.m. against Marion. Girls will play Tuesday at 7 p.m. against Marion. Players, band, cheer and dance members need to pick up vouchers for tickets from Mr. Weiss.
There is a HS track sign up sheet in Mrs. Hazelton’s room. Also, there is a HS golf and high school softball sign up sheet on the office mailroom door.
Golf practice will begin right after school on Tuesday, March 2 in the west gym for non-basketball players.
Chase County Recreation Commission is taking applications for spring and summer field workers. Applications may be picked up in the high school mailroom or from Mr. Albers. Current 9-12 grade students are eligible. Applications need to be turned in no later than February 25 which is today. Thank you, Mr. Albers.
If you ordered a corsage or boutonniere in November for the Winter Ball, please be sure to check your email and reply to Mrs. Koch regarding any changes. If you would like to order a corsage or boutonniere for the March 13 dance, please see Mrs. Koch. Any new orders need to be placed by noon Wednesday, March 3. Corsage and boutonniere sales for Prom will begin after Spring Break.