Meetings this week
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Thursday: Home basketball game against Madison and Winter Courts will be held.
Friday: Home basketball game against Centre. Dismiss girl wrestlers at 8:20 a.m. and they will leave at 8:30 a.m. for the Sub-State tournament at Ellis.
Saturday: The boys Sub-State wrestling tournament will be at Marion. There will be a girls basketball game at Altoona.
PLEASE NOTE: If students are called in absent with a fever, they must abide by the school’s policy of being fever free, without fever reducing medications, for 48 hours before returning to school!
JH Quiz Bowl, please sign up if you want to attend tomorrow's NLC meet and Monday's Mission Valley meet. There are potential conflicts both days so if you know of any adults who would be willing to help out, please let me know. Thank you, Mrs. Hansford.
HS Forensics, if you are interested in a “small school” meet (only 1A and 2A schools are invited) on Saturday, March 13, please let me know by Friday. I will also have sign up sheets outside my door. Thank you, Mrs. Hansford.