Meetings this week
Thursday: HS KAY meeting in the auditorium at 12:25 p.m.
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Thursday: Dismiss Scholars Bowl at the end of 7 hour and leave as soon as possible.
The HS boy’s basketball team will play at Hartford tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. with half a junior varsity game followed by the varsity game. The HS girl’s basketball team will play at Atchison-Effingham at 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.
The leave time for forensics on Saturday is at 6 a.m.
There is a JH dance, this Saturday, Feb. 6 from 8-10 p.m. It will be held at the Saffordville school house.
JH Quiz Bowl will have practice today.
Scholar Bowl participants, Hillsboro is providing snacks but you might bring something to snack on while we head up there. Also, bring money too. Regions is a 7 round pool and then the bracket with the top 4 teams. If you would like more information, please let me know.
Winter Court candidates are Maddie Dold, Julia Filinger, Bella Mezzacapo, Tylon Ybarra, Blaise Holloway and Brock Lauer.
Prom committee will have a meeting in the auditorium at 12:25 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 9.
Valentine sales will look a little different this year. Valentine balloons will go on sale Monday. Posters will be placed around the school and on The Chase Online Facebook page with ordering information. Balloons and candy items will be available for pick-up at the high school on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 13. More information to follow.
Need some chicken enchiladas for a Valentine’s dinner? We will have up to 40 pans (10 enchiladas in each pan) for pick-up on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 13 for $20 a pan. Please email Mrs. Drake,, to order. No extra orders will be taken after 40 pans are sold.
Students interested in going out for golf will have a meeting on Feb. 11 at 12:25 p.m. in the auditorium. If you are worried you don’t have clubs, we have some clubs you can use.
How would you like to visit the Mediterranean Shores (Barcelona, Nice, Florence, Rome) in March of 2022? An informational meeting will be held on Feb. 11 at the Saffordville United Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m. If you cannot attend the meeting, see Mrs. Eidman for more information.
JH Quiz Bowl, please sign up on the sheet outside Mrs. Hansford's room for the next Quiz Bowl meet. All are welcome to sign up even if you didn’t before.
PT conferences or advisory is today from 4-8 p.m.
JH wrestling practice will begin Tuesday Feb. 2. We will practice Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Mr. Budke will have parent information available on Tuesday.
KSHSAA rules have changed regarding spectators. We must follow the policies away schools have set.
The Feb. 5 game against Hartford will only allow two parents and that list has been submitted.
The Feb. 9 game against MDCV will have tickets issued for this game.
Any Feb. home games will allow each player, cheer or dance member four tickets to be used as they wish.