Meetings this week
Tuesday: Junior class meeting in the auditorium at 12:25 p.m.
Thursday: HS KAY meeting in the auditorium at 12:25 p.m.
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Tuesday: Release basketball players at 2:35 p.m. and leave at 2:50 p.m.
Winter Court candidates are Maddie Dold, Julia Filinger, Bella Mezzacapo, Tylon Ybarra, Blaise Holloway and Brock Lauer.
JH dance, this Saturday, Feb. 6 from 8-10 p.m. It will be held at the Saffordville school house.
JH Quiz Bowl results are that A team got 4 place and the high scorer was Connor Jahnke. B team got 3 place and the high scorer was Madelyn Wilson. Please sign up on the sheet outside Mrs. Hansford’s room for the next Quiz Bowl. All are welcome to sign up even if you haven’t before. We will practice again on Tuesday.
Tomorrow is Kickin it with Kelce so wear pajamas or comfy clothes.
Thursday is tailgating with Mahomies so wear your chief clothes.
JH wrestling will begin practicing Tuesday, Feb. 2. They will practice Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Mr. Budke will have parent information available on Tuesday.
KSHSAA rules have changed regarding spectators. We must follow other school’s policies if we play away.
The game Feb. 2 is at LeRoy and only two parents are allowed. Parent list has been submitted already.
The game Feb. 5 is at Hartford and only two parents are allowed. Parent list has been submitted already.
The game Feb. 9 is at MDCV and tickets will be issued for this game.