Congratulations to Owen Eidman for being selected as the scholarship winner for the DAR Good Citizen Award! Owen will receive $200 and his essay will continue on to be judged at the state level in the hopes of qualifying for the national DAR Good Citizen Award. Way to go, Owen!
HS KAY – Your Christmas trees need to be put away before you leave today. Christmas tree boxes are on the ledge by Spike’s house. Place the tree box back there after you have taken your tree down.
Go out tonight and see the “Star of Bethlehem”. It is the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn! Also today is the winter solstice! Merry Christmas!
For those seminars participating in the Reverse Advent Calendar project, please take your boxes to the conference room by noon today. Thank you to each seminar and individual who helped make this Christmas a little better for some of our families.
School photos and fall sports packages, as well as proofs for winter sports, will be distributed this afternoon. Please make sure they get home today.
Butler CC bills were sent out this week. If you are receiving the College Access Fund, please disregard your bill! New statements will be sent out once the scholarship is distributed. Thank you, Mrs. Barrett.
Job Shadowing – Any CCJSHS junior or senior student in good academic and attendance standings interested in setting up a Job Shadow, see Mrs. Barrett for more details.