Meetings this week
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Thursday: Playing at Lyndon not West Franklin. Release at 2:30 and leave at 2:45.
Wednesday lunch is Thanksgiving Dinner so salad as a meal will not be available.
Students: Make time to check your email several times throughout the day. This is your main source for school information especially during the school day.
Students and staff, next Tuesday is can-the-teacher day. Students may bring canned food items to school that day to help fill the local food pantry. No bottled water or pet food. Food items will be collected on the sidewalk outside the main entrance between 7:40 and 8 a.m. on Tuesday morning. Each teacher will have a section designated for food to be credited to their weigh-in. 75 pounds per teacher is needed. If all teachers are blocked, you will have a study period for the day and can get caught up on school work before your Thanksgiving Break. Sponsored by JH and HS KAY.
Football equipment check-in will be done on Wednesday after school.
There will be no after school study this week. Mrs. Scott.
Students, please be checking your emails regularly this week. I will be sending out information on work that needs to be done as well as late/missing assignments. Call or email me if you have any questions. Thank you. Mrs. Scott.
JH BB change - JH basketball will now play at Lyndon on Thursday, Nov. 19, instead of West Franklin. Please call Brenda at the Board Office, by noon on Thursday, to let her know your two spectators for this game.
It has been decided to move winter sports parents' nights and winter courts to the following dates:
BB Parents' Night, Cheer & Dance - Dec. 4
WR Parents' Night - Dec. 10
Winter Courts - Dec. 18
The junior class are selling yard signs as a fundraiser! The signs are $20 each! See a junior if you are interested.
College Access Scholarship - If you are taking college courses from Butler CC or FHTC you are eligible to apply. The scholarship deadline is Nov. 30, 2020. See Mrs. Barrett for applications.
Dec. 12 ACT registration deadline is fast approaching! Let me know if you have any questions. Mrs. Barrett.