Meetings this week
Friday: StuCo officers JH KAY meet in the auditorium
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Friday: Release football team at 3. Leave at 3:15.
Good luck tonight football team! Beat the Sedan Blue Devils!
HS KAY – After school on Tuesday, we will do a rake-n-run for the elderly in our community. Please bring your rake to school and put your name on them. If you show up you will get a service point. We will work for one to two hours.
JH KAY is selling corsages and boutonnieres for Winter Ball! Please pick up an order form and return them to KAY members that will be at the gym entrance each morning. Money is due with orders and all orders are due by Friday, Nov. 13. Flowers will be delivered to CCJSHS after school on Friday, Nov. 21. Please make arrangements to pick them up. Please see Mrs. Koch if you have any questions. Thank you!
JH BB spectator change: To follow the league agreement, please note that each player will only get to put two names at away games for their family. To be fair to everyone if there is a blank spot it will not be filled by another player’s spectator. This includes managers and coaches. All parents need to notify Brenda at the District Office the day of the away game by noon and not go through coaches. Thank you.
Winter Ball outside date sign-up sheet is on the office door. Please put your name, your date’s name and their grade in school.
StuCo officers meet today during seminar in Mrs. Drake’s room. We have a full StuCo meeting Monday during seminar.
Cheer photos next Monday after school at 3:45 and Dance photos at 4:15.
HS men’s and women’s basketball sign-up sheet is on the office door.
College Access Scholarship - If you are taking college courses from Butler CC or FHTC you are eligible to apply. The scholarship deadline is Nov. 30, 2020. See Mrs. Barrett for applications.
Job Shadowing - Any CCJSHS Junior or Senior students in good academic and attendance standings interested in setting up a job shadow, see Mrs. Barrett for more details.
Dec. 12 ACT registration deadline is fast approaching! Let me know if you have any questions. Mrs. Barrett.
Congratulations to Owen Eidman, our DAR Good Citizen Program candidate! Eidman will go on to compete in the DAR Good Citizen Scholarship contest. Good luck!
Congratulations to Cooper Schroer and Mayah Dorsey, the 2020-2021 sophomore HOBY representatives!
Liz McLaren, Julia Filinger, Laura Koch and Lexi Monihen meet in Mrs. Drake's room during study period on Friday.