Meetings this week during Study Period
Wednesday: Lions Quest
Thursday: HS KAYS
Friday: JH KAYS
Planned DISMISSAL times for activities this week:
Friday: Football team release at 3:00. Leave at 3:15.
This afternoon, due to the railroad crossing being closed in Strong City, CCJSHS students that ride the bus to Strong City will be dismissed at 3:10 so buses can get students over to CCES by normal dismissal time. Students do not be late getting to the buses they will not come back and get you. At CCES, Ron Albers' bus riders and shuttle kids will dismiss at 3:20 and Scott will bring them over to the HS (he will be driving bus #3).
HS KAY has three boxes of donuts left if anyone wants to buy them. Come see Mrs. Cahoone in the office.
JH BB parents: Please call Brenda at the District Office, 273-6303, to let her know your two spectators for the NLC games no later than noon Thursday. If your name is not on the list by noon, you will not be allowed into the game.
HS boys and girls sign-up sheets are posted on the office door.
2021 yearbooks are on sale for $50 until Dec. 18. Please pay Lexi Monihen or Mrs. Drake.