Social media has such a significant impact on today’s world. With the advancement of technology and how easily accessible social media is, most people can use it. Though social media can have many benefits, it also has its drawbacks.
“Social media can be a great tool, but it can become harmful if not used in the correct way,” senior James Bell said.
While social media has its perks, it also comes with many negatives.
“As teenagers, it is very easy to compare ourselves to others online,” junior Emiliano Zuniga. “We only see the best parts of people's lives and this often puts people down because we feel as though we can be doing more with our lives.”
People feel power when they can bully from behind a screen. Social media can become a harmful place.
“One of the down sides of social media is how big cyberbullying is,” freshman Melanya Mitchell said. “Social media can become very addictive, leading people to do things they might regret."
Social media has made it easier for people to communicate and connect with others. It has also created many new opportunities to be used as a marketing tool.
“Social media has increased connectivity and communication with people from everywhere,” junior Eli Green said. “It has also allowed people to express themselves and keep up with their friends' lives.”
In addition to communication and connections, social media has also increased relationships among communities and businesses.
“Using social media can have great benefits. It can inform the community about different events and projects to increase the outreach and include the community as much as we can,” senior Ashlee Williams said. “Social media helps us be more influential and make a larger impact on our world.”